Current Advocacy
Current Advocacy Opportunities
Advocacy is one of our many guiding principles. As such, we affirm that direct services to the people experiencing homelessness will include advocacy, and that the work of the Washtenaw Housing Alliance will include changing institutional policies and practices, training of professionals, policy and legislative change, educating funders, and raising hell when necessary.
Washtenaw Housing Alliance’s Policy Priorities
In partnership with WHA’s member agencies and our Advocacy & Communications committee members, we have outlined five key policy priorities that will inform our work in 2023. To learn more about these priorities, please click here for pamphlet pdf and here for plain text.
Local Advocacy Opportunities
As part of the Washtenaw County Continuum of Care’s Built for Zero initiative to end veteran homelessness, the WHA joins a cohort of housing and services providers in a 100-Day Challenge to permanently house veterans in Washtenaw County.
Launched in late September and running until January 23rd, 2025, the challenge’s end goal is to bring our county's Community Housing Prioritization By-Name List down to 6 veterans experiencing homelessness who are seeking housing and other supportive services. To reach this goal our community has to permanently house 11 veterans per month. To make this happen, we need to (re-)engage community partners like elected officials and area landlords in the work to end homelessness, decrease system barriers that affect a veteran’s housing opportunities and placement success, and prevent veterans from entering the system at the front door by connecting them to prevention/diversion program services and resources.
We invite all Washtenaw County community members to join us in this effort! Get Involved Form here:
On September 4th, 2024 the Winter Shelter Task Force presented to County Commissioners about shelter and warming center response plans for the upcoming winter season. The recording of the presentation as well as the full session can be watched here. The presentation slide deck can be viewed here.
The Task Force is a collaboration of over 25 individuals from close to 20 organizations and county offices who participate in the County’s Continuum of Care. It was created in April 2023 to:
Help analyze existing data and programs for winter shelter,
Research best practices for providing winter shelter in our Michigan climate,
Develop strategies and recommendations, and
Identify funding necessary to provide winter sheltering for all populations.
Following the Task Force's presentation last October, County Commissioners passed a resolution to support additional investments in homeless programs for that upcoming winter. WHA was grateful for the passing of the $2.18M resolution which supported investments in eviction prevention and shelter diversion, winter shelter staffing and support, and short-term hoteling. Thank you to everyone who supported our call for advocacy to help get this resolution passed!
On May 20th, the Ann Arbor City Council approved amendments to its FY 2025 City Budget. One significant amendment passed was to renew the Rising Hope for Housing Program through the appropriation of $500,000 from the FY 2025 Marijuana Excise Tax Rebate. This is existing news! Not only is the program renewed for a second year, but its funding allocation was increased by $100,000.
At the May meeting, Councilmember Harrison shared: “This year we are requesting an additional $100,000 from the Marijuana Excise Tax revenue, bringing our total to $500,000 for this program. As demand grows so must our support. The [Rising Hope Program] aiding those returning citizens fighting homelessness and recidivism is set to expand. We must meet this demand head on… We’ve heard the powerful voices of returning citizens and dedicated organizations. They’ve told us that sustainable funding is essential for continuous, effective support. Securing this funding will help us uphold our commitment to building a strong and inclusive community and continue to make meaningful and lasting impacts.”
The program’s renewal allows for grant partners A Brighter Way, Catholic Social Services Offender Success, Shelter Association of Washtenaw County, and SOS Community Services to continue providing comprehensive trauma-informed supportive services and case management for justice-impacted households who have housing choice vouchers. Separately, the Ann Arbor Housing Commission (AAHC) is the funding administrator and the WHA assists in facilitating coordination of the grant.
The Rising Hope for Housing program is open to receive referrals. For more information and to see if you may qualify, please check out the flyer below.
It is going to take all of us working together to end homelessness in our community. Pledge your commitment to advocate and fight for affordable housing in Washtenaw County.
The Advocacy & Communications Committee is vital in supporting the WHA’s local, state, and federal advocacy actions as well as amplifying communication alerts. This committee typically meets virtually several times in the year.
State Advocacy Opportunities
On December 30th, 2024 Governor Whitmer signed the source of income nondiscrimination bills into state law. This new law now makes clear prohibition against landlords with five or more rentals from refusing to accept Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs), veterans’ benefits, alimony, MDHHS cash assistance, or SSI/SSDI as part of a tenant’s legal total combined income. Prior to the Governor’s signing, in Washtenaw County this type of nondiscrimination was only protected in the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Michigan joins about 17 other states, including California, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah, and Virginia, which protect renters’ civil rights throughout the state, no matter where they choose to live.
The WHA, Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH), the Coalition for Expanding Housing Access (CEHA), and other statewide partner organizations and individuals have urged representatives over the past 3+ years to get House Bills 4062 and 4063 as well as Senate Bills 205, 206, and 207 passed through the Michigan legislature. Early in 2024 both the Michigan House and Senate passed their bills in their respective chambers. By fall, the House passed the Senate bills. However, it was not until the lame duck session at the end of 2024 that the Senate finally passed the House bills, which had been amended a few months earlier.
The source of income bills were one piece of legislation to get through to the Governor’s desk before the end of the legislative session. The other eight (8) housing-related bills supported by the WHA were unable to advance for signing and will need to be reintroduced in a new legislative session.
Check out WHA's video, "Housing Is The Solution To Ending Homelessness," which further breaks down how sources of income such as housing choice vouchers help many people in our county afford safe, stable housing.
The WHA created the video Improving the Tenant Experience in Michigan to highlight what more can be done to improve a tenant's housing experience in our state. Certainly more affordable housing is needed, but so too are laws to protect tenants from "junk fees" when applying for or renting housing or even to expunge their eviction records from long ago.
Read recent progress update here.
In January 2024 MCTEH provided progress updates on its 2023-2025 State Action Plan. The MCTEH Action Plan outlines six (6) key goals that establish the parameters for what it will take to work toward ending homelessness in Michigan over the next three (3) years.
Federal Advocacy Opportunities
Robust federal investments for affordable housing, homelessness, and community development programs are needed to address the growing affordable housing and homelessness crisis in communities across the country.
Urge your members of Congress to fund housing, homelessness, and community development programs at the highest level possible in FY25, and to support NLIHC's top priorities, including:
Full funding to renew all existing contracts for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program and expand assistance to 20,000 more households.
$6.2B for public housing operations and $5.2B for public housing capital needs.
$4.7B for HUD's Homeless Assistance Grants (HAG) program.
$100M for Eviction Prevention Grant Program.
At least $1.3B for Tribal housing programs, plus $150M for competitive funds targeted to tribes with the greatest needs.
2 ways to take action:
On June 28th, 2024 the Supreme Court of the United States announced its decision in the case of Johnson v. Grants Pass. SCOTUS ruled in favor of the City of Grants Pass, Oregon. Under the ruling, localities will be able to arrest, ticket, and fine people for sleeping outdoors on public property, even if leaders have failed to produce enough affordable housing or shelter for everyone in the community who needs it. In her dissent, Justice Sotomayor stated, "...the majority focuses almost exclusively on the needs of local governments and leaves the most vulnerable in our society with an impossible choice: Either stay awake or be arrested."
“This decision sets a dangerous precedent that will cause undue harm to people experiencing homelessness and give free reign to local officials who prefer pointless and expensive arrests and imprisonment, rather than real solutions,” said Ann Oliva, CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH). Read NAEH's factsheet for more information about the importance (and cost savings) of investing in Housing First initiatives rather than inflict punishment on those experiencing homelessness.
There are many proven and data-backed solutions to homelessness, like providing people with housing and services. Arresting or otherwise punishing homeless folks is not a solution, and jails and fines make the cycle of homelessness worse. In response to the ruling, the National Homeless Law Center held a webinar to provide guidance on where we all go from here: watch here.
As part of the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s 2024 Housing Policy Forum, homeless and affordable housing advocates joined together to participate in Capitol Hill Day on March 21st, 2024. Close to 400 participants schedule as many as 200 meetings with their U.S Senators and Congressmembers.
The WHA joined 18 other staff from Michigan-based organizations to connect with our elected representatives. At the meetings we urged our reps to provide the highest possible funding for HUD’s vital affordable housing and homelessness programs in FY2025 as well as to cosponsor three (3) important Senate/House Bills highlighted in NLIHC’s Legislative Priorities for the year. In addition, we jumped into the audience for two press conferences happening on the Hill: the Renters Caucus announcement of the first-ever Renters Agenda and the relaunch of the Green New Deal for Public Housing.
Advocacy Resources:
Homes Guarantee is an historic campaign organizing for a National Tenant Bill of Rights. Everyone living in the U.S. should have safe, accessible, sustainable, and permanently affordable housing: a Homes Guarantee. This includes tenants like renters, unhoused people, and mortgage holders.
What's your boldest vision for a National Tenants' Bill of Rights? Share your vision here. Want to host your own Imagination Session with friends, family and neighbors? Download the toolkit here.
NLIHC released a toolkit offering recommendations for lawmakers working to enact eviction record sealing and expungement legislation in their jurisdictions. Read more and download the toolkit here.
NAEH provides the most important legislative priorities in real time. Sign up for NAEH’s advocacy alerts here.
Fair Housing Center of South Central Michigan has several advocacy opportunities to support. Consider volunteering as a civil rights tester or represent FHC as a cooperating attorney. Find out more information at
MCAH is helping to engage low-income and housing insecure individuals with registering to vote (registration application here). From 2010 to 2020, individuals earning over $100k were twice as likely to vote as individuals earning under $20k, and only around 10% of homeless individuals voted. Let’s make sure everyone’s voice is represented. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.
Voter registration deadlines in Michigan:
Online registration deadline: 15 days before Election Day
Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked 15 days before Election Day
In person registration deadline: Available up to and including on Election Day
Recent Successes
The Washtenaw Housing Alliance thanks its member agencies, partners, and the broader local community for their ongoing participation in our advocacy efforts and their unwavering commitment to ending homelessness and realizing a home for everyone in Washtenaw County. We also thank the many local policymakers who have supported affordable housing and homelessness prevention policies, programs, and funding.
County Commissioners passed a resolution to support additional investments in homeless programs for the 2023-2024 winter at their Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 meeting. WHA is grateful for the passing of the $2.18M resolution which will support investments in eviction prevention and shelter diversion, winter shelter staffing and support, and short-term hoteling. Thank you to everyone who supported our call for advocacy to help get this resolution passed! Read more…
On March 21st, 2023 the City of Ann Arbor’s Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the site plan for WHA member agencies’ Ann Arbor Housing Commission (AAHC) and Avalon Housing 70-unit mixed-use affordable housing development at 121 S. Catherine Street. Read more here on the community engagement process that is guiding the property’s development in the historic Black business district in Kerrytown.
Ypsilanti City Council approved the second and final reading of the PILOT for the 206-210 N. Washington Street development on April 4th, 2023. City Council’s approval enables Avalon Housing to move forward on their plans to bring 22 new one-bedroom apartments to this property site. All units will be affordable and some are set to become supportive housing, providing built-in services like medical care, education and job training as well as transportation particularly for those exiting homelessness. Developers expect to break ground in early 2024.
Read more on this exciting affordable housing project from The Michigan Daily: Everything you need to know about affordable housing at 121 Catherine St (February 19, 2024) and from MLive: Ann Arbor to break ground on Kerrytown affordable housing development in spring (February, 5, 2024).
The Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners reviewed and approved funding for seven (7) agencies to receive New Human Services Partnership (NHSP) - Safety Net grants (see the Resolution with award grants here). Due to advocacy from WHA and our partners, the Board also approved new, continued funding for 6-months for agencies previously funded through the Coordinated Funding model and which were not recommended for NHSP awards. Here is the resolution, that was introduced and approved during that meeting, which provides the continued funding for agencies for another 6-months.
Ann Arbor City Council voted to allocate the $24M in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding and as part of that package, they supported:
$1M for housing for the homeless
$3.5M for property acquisition for affordable housing, including up to $500,000 for supportive services for tenants
$1.68M in additional funding for Coordinated Funding support
As well as $3.5M for an unarmed police response, and $1.6M for a basic income pilot program!
In the same April session, City Council also voted to rezone the Old Y-Lot at 350 S. Fifth as a Planned United Development (PUD), making it possible to move forward with development that will create more new affordable housing units!
Ann Arbor voters passed the Affordable Housing Millage with 73% support! Prop-C provides a 20-year, 1-mill tax for affordable housing and related services that will generate approximately $6.5M in funding. It provides funding to create approximately 1,500 units of affordable housing, with a portion dedicated to those in need of permanent supportive housing. Thank you to all who donated their time, talent and treasures to ensure the passage of Proposal C, including WHA staff, Board members, member agencies, volunteers, and supporters. We also want to thank everyone involved with Partners for Affordable Housing for running an incredible campaign!