Our Blueprint
A Home for Everyone: A Blueprint to End Homelessness
In 2004, Washtenaw County community members embarked on a bold endeavor—to map out the way we could end homelessness in our community in ten years. This plan, “A Home for Everyone: A Blueprint to End Homelessness”, was released with four primary goals: prevention; housing with support services; reforming our systems of care and engaging the community.
Workgroups assessed the current situations, researched best practices and established plans to bring Washtenaw County in line with the community’s goals. In 2011, the Washtenaw Housing Alliance worked with community partners to take stock of all we had accomplished since the Blueprint was adopted in 2004, to examine what more could be done in a changed landscape of a declining economy, and plan for the next three to five years. The report, “Blueprint Progress Report 2004-2011” provided a look at the community’s collective achievements in seven years, from 2004 to 2011. Our community has been able to respond creatively, thoughtfully, and successfully to help those who are most in need in Washtenaw County.
Since 2011, even more has changed and the homeless system of care, led by the Washtenaw Housing Alliance and our community partners, joined new initiatives, such as Built for Zero, increased the number of permanent and supportive housing units, and worked to establish increased funding for the homeless system of care. We have drastically changed the way in which we respond to homelessness in our community and hope that you will take the opportunity to learn more, and join us in our efforts. Remember, we can end homelessness together!
-Amanda Carlisle, Executive Director
What Needs to Be Done
In 2014, the WHA held focus groups with community partners who had been involved in Blueprint activities since its inception. Results from the focus groups are presented in this document, Blueprint Update: Focus Group Report, published in December 2014. While many of the Blueprint’s recommendations have been adopted and implemented, there is still work to do.
Listed below are recommendations that continue to be critical to the work of ending homelessness in Washtenaw County.
While many of the Blueprint’s recommendations have been adopted and implemented, there is still work to do.
Provide facilities and other physical resources necessary to house and serve members of our community who are homeless, in a manner that demonstrates dignity, respect, compassion and competency.
Build upon already successful efforts in our community.
Design, refine, and coordinate the services and programs that address needs of members of our community who are without homes, while avoiding unnecessary duplication and expense.
Ensure that viable and responsible agencies manage or oversee the necessary programs and services.
Encourage the development of permanent and supportive housing that is safe, decent, accessible, and affordable.
Establish and maintain policies and procedures that provide adequate security and protect the safety and health of tenants, clients, staff, visitors and neighbors in a manner that is generally acceptable to them.
Sustain adequate funding to maintain facilities and services.
Work to improve the status, public image, and understanding of people who are homeless.
Prevent homelessness in every way possible.