Contact Us

Please contact us with questions, concerns, or if you need more information. We’re more than happy to help!

We have many resources available for those in need. Please read our Homelessness Facts and Housing Resources pages to learn more about homelessness.


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Member Agencies

Member Agencies & The People They Serve

The Washtenaw Housing Alliance partners with many wonderful organizations that work hard to provide housing, homelessness prevention, shelter, and other support services to:

  • Individuals and families experiencing economic stress or eviction related to loss of employment, underemployment, medical hardship, or other crisis;

  • Survivors of domestic violence and abuse who are unable to return to their former residence without risking physical and/or emotional harm;

  • Adolescents and young adults, including those who are pregnant and/or parents, whose family relationships have disintegrated because of conflict or abuse, and who consequently have no home to which they can return;

  • People with mental and physical disabilities, whose capacity for living independently in permanent housing has not been sufficiently addressed;

  • People with substance abuse problems, including those who are in recovery; and

  • People with HIV/AIDS, whose homelessness stems from economic, emotional, or physical consequences of this diagnosis


Member agencies: Ann Arbor Housing Commission, Avalon Housing, Catholic Charities Washtenaw County, Child Care Network, Community Action Network, Community Mental Health Partnerships of Southeast Michigan, Fair Housing Center, Food Gatherers, Friends In Deed, Habitat for Humanity Huron Valley, Homeless Veterans Program of VA Health Center, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County, Michigan Ability Partners, MISSION A2, Ozone House, Peace Neighborhood Center, SafeHouse Center, Shelter Association of Washtenaw County, SOS Community Services, The Education Project, The Salvation Army, Unified, U-M Housing Bureau for Seniors, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health, Washtenaw Health Project, Ypsilanti Housing Commission