Pledge for Affordable Housing
It is going to take all of us working together to end homelessness in our community.
1. Housing is a human right.
Housing is the foundation for health and well-being, enabling people to live with dignity, quality of life, and with basic access to opportunity.
2. There is social, environmental, and economic value in establishing mixed income, highly diverse neighborhoods with increased density in urban areas.
Diverse, racially equitable, mixed income communities are stronger, richer, and more vibrant places to live and work.
3. The market will not reliably meet the needs for accessible, safe, and affordable housing for all in our community. Government has an essential role and responsibility in the preservation, acquisition, and development of affordable housing to help build an economically diverse, racially equitable community.
Public resources should be invested in projects, and with developers, whose mission is to support affordability in perpetuity. Public assets and financial incentives to preserve and increase affordable housing should be targeted for households with incomes up to 60% of Area Median Income (AMI) for renters and up to 80% of AMI for homeowners.
4. Everyone in our community benefits when we ensure a wide variety of safe, healthy, affordable housing types at a range of price points.
There are assets, value, and cultural wealth in every part of our community. Everyone must be able to benefit from our community’s assets.
5. We must improve access to homeownership, especially among low income households, persons of color, and Indigenous peoples.
Commonly accepted housing policy and practices have effectively segregated communities, limited/excluded economic opportunity in communities of color, while offering public subsidies to others. We seek inclusionary policies that help realize our community’s commitment to equity.
6. Renters bring distinctive, essential, social and economic value to our community. Renter voices should be valued. Tenant rights are valued and prioritized.
We must protect housing affordability and stability for tenants so that they can fully participate in the life of our community.
7. We must coordinate housing strategies with complementary strategies in the areas of physical and mental health, education, transportation, environment, and economic development to improve the overall quality of our community life.
Twenty first century community and economic development strategies must attend to relational impact of interdependent factors that affect community and individual well-being.
Add your name to the pledge & join organizations committed to the fight for affordable housing!
Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley
In Parallel Architects and Builders
Interfaith Hospitality Network at Alpha House
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washtenaw County
Neighbors for More Neighbors Ann Arbor
Poverty Solutions | The University of Michigan
Religious Action for Affordable Housing RAAH
Shelter Association of Washtenaw County
United Way of Washtenaw County
Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners
Click HERE to view a list of individuals who have taken the pledge!