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2024 State of Homelessness Event

A person stands behind a podium to the left of two panel speakers sitting at a white-clothed table.

The State of Homelessness

& Affordable Housing

Monday, November 18th, 2024

On November 18th the Washtenaw Housing Alliance hosted its annual breakfast and keynote program in recognition of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (HHAW) November 17th through the 23rd.

We were joined by keynote speaker Christine Haley, Chief of the Illinois Office to Prevent and End Homelessness, who talked about her work with 16 state agencies to implement a strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness for Illinois residents.

Thanks to our sponsors, the event was free and open to the public. We are grateful to all who were able to join us in-person at the event. If you could not join us that day, no worries! The full event was recorded. You can view here.

Our State of Homelessness & Affordable Housing annual events include a full program from sharing data and information about the state of homelessness and affordable housing in Washtenaw County, panel presentations by subject-matter experts, to sharing storytelling and videos. Last year, we hosted speakers presenting about what the State of Michigan’s plans are on housing and homelessness to what’s happening with winter sheltering in Washtenaw County. In 2022, our first in-person event since the start of the pandemic, our event theme and speakers centered on health and housing.

Keynote speaker at this year’s event will be Christine Haley, Chief of the Illinois Office to Prevent and End Homelessness

Take a look at our speaker presentations shared at this year’s event:

Check out our recap, photos, and videos from past State of Homelessness and Affordable Housing events by clicking the button below.

Each year the WHA is able to host this free event for the community thanks to the generous contributions made by our sponsors.

Our 2024 Event Sponsors


Presenting Sponsor ($5,000)

Bank of Ann Arbor

David & Louise Lutton

Old National Bank

Trinity Health Ann Arbor & Chelsea Hospital

Housing For All Sponsor ($2,500)

Barb Kessler & Dick Soble


Blueprint Sponsor ($1,000)

Carlisle Wortman Associates

Joan Lowenstein & Jonathan Trobe

Whitehouse Family

Zingerman’s Community of Businesses

Community Sponsor ($500)

Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation

Ann Arbor Remodeling

Change Works Consulting

Chelsea State Bank

Norman & Debbie Herbert


Phil & Jackie Lapinski

Michigan Medicine

Trillium Real Estate

Chris & Deborah VandenBroek

Ypsilanti Housing Commission

Advocacy Sponsor ($250)

David Lantzy State Farm

Kelly Family

Promanas Group

Susan & John Wyman


Above our snapshot highlights from the 2023 State of Homelessness and Affordable Housing event on November 16th.