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Engaging People with Lived Experience in System Transformation

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Engaging People with Lived Experience in System Transformation

Webinar - Zoom

Join the Compact for Thriving Communities for this special webinar event on Thursday, December 17, 2021, 3-4 PM Eastern.

Anthony Haynes – Skid Row Housing Trust
Alison Lobb – Probation Department, Sonoma County, CA
Marcella Middleton – A Way Home America

Ayesha Delany-Brumsey – Council of State Governments Justice Center

Transforming systems for more equitable outcomes demands that people with lived experience – individuals with first-hand experience of cycling in and through emergency and institutional settings − play a leading role in shaping and implementing the policies that affect them.

Speakers will share their experiences and reflections on how to move organizations toward inclusion of people with lived experience in their work, and offer practical strategies for bringing people with lived experience into all aspects of developing and implementing the policies that affect them.

The discussion will be geared to organizations and leaders at all stages of engagement, from just talking about it, to those with people with lived experience leading in all aspects of their work.
