In-Person Trainings
Crisis Line counselors listen and provide critical information, referrals, and crisis intervention to youth and families struggling with such issues as family conflict, runaway episodes, homelessness, suicide, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, sexual orientation and gender identity, and other crises.
Crisis Line Volunteers counselors complete a 40-hour training on two Wednesday evenings and one day on two consecutive weekends, including 16hrs of home study. Once completed, volunteers commit to one 4-hour shift per week for 8+ months.
Become a Crisis Line Volunteer!
Here’s How:
Sign up to attend an interview.
Click here to complete the on-line application.
Get invited to training. After the interview, you may be invited to continue on to the crisis line training if Ozone House seems like the right fit for you.
Attend the volunteer training! All of the training dates are mandatory and required for you to be eligible to volunteer on the Crisis Line.
Crisis Line volunteer training sessions will be held for invited trainees:
Saturday 1/22/22 9am-5pm
Sunday 1/23/22 9am-5pm
Wednesday 1/26/22 6pm-9pm
Saturday 1/29/22 9am-5pm
Sunday 1/30/22 9am-5pm
If you are interested in volunteering, click here for the application. Applications are open now through January 10th.