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Community Priority Fund (CPF) Online Applications OPEN

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Community Priority Fund (CPF) Online Applications OPEN

Recently the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners approved the ARPA 2.0 investment package. The Community Priority Fund (CPF) is a significant part of that package.

The Community Priority Fund application portal is now LIVE!

Organizations and businesses are invited to apply. The landing page includes answers to frequently asked questions, sample contract terms, and a sample county contract. We have designed a process that allows business and organizations to receive support through every step of the process.

Funding priority will be given to organizations that have not previously received funding from or been contracted with to provide services with Washtenaw County. Organizations representing populations that have historically been underrepresented in Washtenaw County granting or contracting will be also be given preference. These funds are targeted investments to service zip codes 48197/48198 and/or low opportunity areas per the Washtenaw County Opportunity Index, and/or areas with high social vulnerability scores per the CDC Social Vulnerability Index

Proposed projects must fall into one or more of the following ARPA-eligible categories:

  • Community Violence Interventions: Evidence-based community violence intervention programs to prevent violence and mitigate the increase in violence during the pandemic.

  • Addressing Educational Disparities: Evidence-based educational services and practices to address the academic needs of students, including tutoring, summer, after-school, and other extended learning and enrichment programs.

  • Expanding Early Childhood Education: Programs or services help develop new or expanded high-quality childcare to provide safe, supportive, and educational care for children

  • Direct Assistance to Households Program: Programs that provide assistance to households or populations facing negative economic impacts due to COVID-19, including, but not limited to food assistance, cash assistance, job training, and other basic needs.

  • Addressing Housing and Homelessness: Programs or services that address housing insecurity, lack of affordable housing, or homelessness, such as supportive housing, residential counseling, housing navigation, legal services, eviction prevention, and other housing needs.

Organizations and businesses are invited to attend a technical assistance session to learn more about how to apply for the fund. The sessions are designed to answer questions and offer guidance on the application process. Attendance at a technical assistance session is optional, but strongly advised.

TA sessions (click a date to register):

CPF Tech Assistance Session I: Monday, March 7, 2022, at 6 pm

CPF Tech Assistance Session II: Monday, March 14, 2022, at 9 am

CPF Tech Assistance Session III: Monday, March 21, 2022, at 6 pm

CPF Tech Assistance Session IV: Monday, March 28, 2022, at 9 am