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National Call-in Day (Virtual)

Virtual - Telephone

Homelessness and housing advocates are preparing an unprecedented push with Senators and Representatives to make the President’s new budget a reality.

On March 28, the Biden administration proposed one of the largest HUD budgets in decades by requesting $6.2 billion increase over current spending levels. This funding is desperately needed for 580,000 Americans experiencing homelessness on any given night. Proposed increases include an 11% boost to homeless assistance grants and the expansion of rental vouchers to 200,000 more households.

You can help in two ways:

  • On Tuesday, April 26, the National Alliance to End Homelessness and other key partners are joining together for a Congressional advocacy push around the federal budget. Please call your Representative and both Senators on that day to support increased funding for homelessness and housing; the Congressional switchboard is (202) 225-3121. Afterwards, email Jerry Jones, Alliance National Field Director ( with a brief report about your conversation.

  • On calls with your Representative, please ask them to join the “Dear Colleague” letter supporting $3.6 billion for homeless assistance grants. (This is a sign-on letter for Members of Congress to endorse, not your own organization). A staff member from Rep. Gwen Moore’s office is coordinating the House letter, which you can read here. Sen. Jack Reed sponsored a Senate letter, which you can read here.

Please take a few minutes on April 26 and join other advocates in making these important calls. With increased funding from Congress, we can reduce homelessness and save lives.