In-person - Bellaire
Register Now for the 2023 Summit on Ending Homelessness!
Scholarships are available: click here to learn more
Please join us on October 23 & 24 at Shanty Creek Resort in Bellaire, Michigan for two days of learning, sharing, and connecting with our community as we come together to share experiences and expand possibilities. Features include:
25 educational sessions covering topics such as Surviving to Thriving: Trauma Informed Practices for Homeless Service Providers, Longevity in the Workplace: Creating a Culture of Care, and Creative Case Management Solutions to Prevent Homelessness.
Three keynotes:
Meredith Kennedy
Founder and executive director of Miigwech as well as well the owner of Native North Tours and Storytelling
Amiyoko Shabazz
Lived experience system disruptor, community builder, and consultant
Amanda Andere
Chief Executive Officer of Funders Together to End Homelessness
Tuesday morning yoga
Special awards presentation