In-person - Washington, DC
Virtual - zoom
Rental markets are finally cooling as a decades-high volume of new supply has come online, outpacing demand. Nevertheless, an all-time-high number of renter households are cost burdened, and evictions and unsheltered homelessness have risen. Pandemic resources temporarily shored up the housing safety net, but the need for rental assistance remains greater than ever. Additionally, the aging rental stock requires significant investment to address structural inadequacies, inaccessibility, and climate risks. Making these investments is challenging given the current market environment of increasing operating expenses and high interest rates. Despite today’s difficult conditions, strong demand from the Gen Z, millennial, and baby boom generations should ensure that the rental market slowdown is short lived.
Save the date for the release of the America's Rental Housing 2024 report in Washington, DC (+ livestream). Details to come.
This event is coordinated by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. JCHS strives to improve equitable access to decent, affordable homes in thriving communities. We conduct rigorous research to advance policy and practice, and we bring together diverse stakeholders to spark new ideas for addressing housing challenges. Through teaching and fellowships, we mentor and inspire the next generation of housing leaders.