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Homelessness and Housing First Webinar (Virtual)

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The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) invite advocates nationwide to register for the sixth webinar in our series on homelessness and Housing First.

The webinar will focus on “Housing First and Faith-Based Organizations.” The webinar will examine how faith-based organizations play a vital role in local homelessness response systems by establishing and operating rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing programs consistent with Housing First. The panelists will discuss how the principles that serve as the foundation of Housing First – such as the belief in the dignity and autonomy of the individual person and the idea that all people deserve to have their basic needs met – align with their faith.

Webinar Agenda

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks

    • Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown, President and CEO, Georgia Advancing Communities Together; Board Member, NLIHC

  • Guest Speaker

    • Representative Emanuel Cleaver (R-MO), Ranking Member, House Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance

  • Housing First and Faith-Based Organizations

    • Kim Boudreaux, CEO, Catholic Charities of Acadiana, Louisiana

    • Jesse Rabinowitz, Senior Manager for Policy and Advocacy, Miriam’s Kitchen, Washington, D.C.

    • Bonnie Harper, HUD Grant Housing Specialist, Partners Health Management, North Carolina

  • Panel Discussion

  • Take Action and Closing Remarks

    • Steve Berg, Chief Policy Officer, NAEH

    • Dr. Bambie Hayes-Brown, President and CEO, Georgia Advancing Communities Together; Board Member, NLIHC

Please note that this webinar is not a training, and webinar attendees will not receive a certificate of completion.

More than 7,000 people registered for the four-part webinar series we held in August and September 2022. Given the tremendous interest among stakeholders and the increased risk of harmful measures to criminalize homelessness, we decided to continue our national webinar series monthly, beginning on December 12. We will continue to share critical information about solutions to homelessness and amplify the work of advocates and people with lived expertise across the nation. Did you miss the four webinars in our first series on homelessness and Housing First? Check out the webinar recaps, including the links to the recordings and presentation slides.

Homelessness is a crisis in many communities – one that demands urgent action. To end homelessness once and for all, federal, state, and local governments must invest in proven solutions at the scale necessary to address the problem. The Housing First model is one of the best strategies for ending homelessness. Housing First recognizes that affordable and accessible homes are the foundation on which people thrive, and by combining housing with access to supportive services, Housing First can help people exit homelessness and live stably in their communities.

In communities across the nation, however, some misguided policymakers are responding to this crisis by advancing dangerous rhetoric and harmful, dehumanizing measures that will make it even harder for people to exit homelessness. It is critical that advocates nationwide are unified in pushing back against stigmatizing and counterproductive efforts that seek to criminalize homelessness, impose punitive requirements, and even prevent the development of affordable housing.

As our communities struggle with soaring inflation, skyrocketing rents, increased evictions, and, in many cases, more homelessness, it is more important than ever that advocates work together to advance the bold policies and anti-racist reforms needed to ensure stable, affordable, and accessible homes for all people experiencing and at risk of homelessness.

Learn more about Housing First at: