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CoC All Membership Meeting (In-person)

  • Ellen Thompson Women’s Health Center at Trinity Health 5320 Elliott Drive Ypsilanti, MI, 48197 United States (map)

In-person - Ann Arbor (Classroom 1A/1B)

RSVP here

All are welcome to attend! All Membership meetings happen twice a year. Each meeting looks different based on the need of the Continuum of Care (CoC). At this meeting we will review current data, talk about system needs, and have open dialogue about important topics. There are two items we will be voting on - please see a formal agenda below. We look forward to connecting as a community and hope to see you there!


Note: There will not be a virtual option available. Housing partners are required to attend. If you cannot send a representative, let OCED know.

Questions about this meeting? Email Kristin Kunes at OCED


1:10 PM Welcome - Morghan Boydston, Human Services Manager, OCED

1:20 PM Revised Governance Charter: VOTE REQUIRED - Kristin Kunes, Human Services Policy Specialist, OCED

Note: The CoC Governance Charter was last revised in 2020. Revisions are underway. A new version will be available on Thursday, May 18th. Please plan to review and provide feedback beforehand. We will vote on the final version during the meeting.

1:40 PM Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSDHA) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Exhibit One: VOTE REQUIRED - Kristin Kunes, Human Services Policy Specialist, OCED

Note: MSHDA ESG is an annual funding source. These funds pay for some staff positions and direct assistance. MSHDA requires a new application each year. A draft of the first part of the application will be available on Thursday, May 18th. Please plan to review and provide feedback beforehand. We will vote on the final version during the meeting.

2:00 PM Washtenaw County System Mapping - Amanda Carlisle, Executive Director, WHA

2:10 PM Stella M Opportunity - Andrew Kraemer, CoC Data & Evaluation Specialist, OCED

2:20 PM Community Standards on ESG Assistance Cap: VOTE REQUIRED - Kristin Kunes, Human Services Policy Specialist, OCED

BREAK (15min)

2:55 PM 2023 Homelessness Data Dive - Andrew Kraemer, CoC Data & Evaluation Specialist, OCED

3:15 PM 2023 Point-in-Time (PIT) and Housing Inventory County (HIC) - Rebecca Zasadny, HMIS Specialist, OCED

3:40 PM Dialogue on Homelessness - Morghan Boydston, Human Services Manager, OCED