In-person - Ann Arbor
What is Green Fair?
Stroll local exhibits and learn innovative ways to live sustainably and take climate action. Dozens of nonprofit, governmental, and other exhibitors will be on hand to answer your questions. Find resources and communities for sustainable action, including: the circular economy, solar technologies, green transportation, plant-based foods, climate resiliency, environmental education, clean water protections, and energy waste reduction.
Enjoy a wide variety of interactive demonstrations! Meet the Birds of Prey from Leslie Science & Nature Center, bring a t-shirt to get screen-printed and take home, watch a demonstration of the Water Utilities stormdrain scope, taste-test an "impossible meat ball,” test ride a cargo bike and get a free pumpkin (while supplies last), test your recycling knowledge, and much, much more….
Event volunteers are welcome! Please check back here for volunteer registration details.
2022 Exhibitors
Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority
Ann Arbor Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Ann Arbor District Library
Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum
City of Ann Arbor:
A2ZERO Ambassadors
AAPD Community Engagement
Ann Arbor Water
Centennial Commission
Equitable Engagement Steering Committee
Give 365
Natural Area Preservation
Office of Sustainability and Innovations
Renters Commission
Solid Waste Department/Circular Economy
Climate Psychology Alliance of North America
Common Cycle
Ecotelligent Homes
Green Home Institute
Homeland Solar
Human Electric Hybrids
Humane Society of Huron Valley
Huron River Group
Huron River Watershed Council
Huron Valley Group of the Sierra Club
Leslie Science and Nature Center
Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Michigan Energy Services
Michigan Saves
Pro Energy Consultants Ann Arbor
Scio Residents for Safe Water
SCRAP Creative Reuse
Sunrise Ann Arbor
The Treeline Conservancy
Urban Ashes
Washtenaw Climate Reality
Washtenaw County Climate Action Plan
Washtenaw County OCED Weatherization Program
Washtenaw County Water Resources
Washtenaw Optimal Wellness
Young Democratic Socialists of America