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Older adults are among the fastest-growing demographic groups facing housing insecurity in recent years. The session will explore the unique needs of this population and what resources are available for housing advocates working with older adults. Attendees will increase their knowledge of general demographic characteristics of Michigan’s aging adult population and of community-based resources for older adults and adults with disabilities.
Speaker: Tammy Lemmer
State Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports· Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
Tammy Lemmer is the State Assistant Administrator for the Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), which manages the state’s Home and Community Based Services for older adults and adults with physical disabilities. Tammy represents the Bureau across the larger department, serving as a liaison to internal and external groups and collaborating on cross-department policies, projects, and programs. Tammy joined the Bureau in May 2022 after working for more than 6 years at a local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and MI Choice (Medicaid) Waiver Agency, most recently as Community Relations Director.
In addition to supporting agency communications, her project management, outreach, and education efforts at the AAA focused on multi-disciplinary partnerships to meet the needs of older adults and adults with disabilities through a variety of home and community-based services, programs and partnerships across the aging network and beyond. She continues that multi-disciplinary approach at the ACLS Bureau in working on projects to address social determinants of health such as housing stability, access to services, and social connectedness.