Tuesday, March 11 in-person
Wednesday, March 12 on zoom
Please note that you should expect to get a phone call with a confirmation closer to the start date of the class.
If someone in your family has a mental health condition, you and other family members may be at a loss about what to do and where to turn for assistance. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)’s Family-to-Family class was created to help you and your family understand and support your loved one while also caring for yourselves.
Family-to-Family is a highly structured, 8-week mental health education course. Testing has shown it is effective and evidence-based. Family-to-Family
Provides a supportive environment in which to learn and grow
Covers the basics of serious brain disorders and treatments
Helps connect you to information and community resources
Teaches techniques for use in mental health crises
Teaches important skills and coping techniques for use in relating to a loved one with a mental health condition as well as maintaining a sense of well-being yourself.
Other locations may be offered in the future as well. Registration is required and space, limited.