Washtenaw Housing Alliance

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Executive Orders Most Impacting People Experiencing Homelessness

Thanks to the expertise and coordination of organizations such as National Homelessness Law Center (NHLC), National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) communications on the flurry of federal executive orders, proposed federal policy changes, federal funding freezes (then pauses on funding freezes), and anything else generally affecting all of our lives, whether we are housed or unhoused, has come out quickly and with clarity. These communications have been a lifeline for our local communities to keep pace and have an understanding about what is happening, what is at stake, and what advocacy actions need to be taken in these movements.

According to NAEH, these are the current Executive Orders (EO) with the most impact on those experiencing homelessness anywhere throughout the country:

  1. Increasing immigration enforcement

  2. Pulling back civil rights protections for trans people

  3. Undermining the federal government’s commitment to correcting racial and social inequities

  4. Undermining state and local efforts to address housing and homelessness

  5. Weakening the ability of federal agencies to administer critical and life-saving programs and investments

Fortunately, not all EOs signed resulted in immediate action – the courts have temporarily paused some. However, it will continue to be our work to “flood the zone” by asking state and local policymakers every day to take action to mitigate the harm that these EOs will cause.

Read more about the EOs most impacting people experiencing homelessness in Washtenaw Housing Alliance’s latest blog series.