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WHA Blog

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2018 Harm Reduction in Housing and Healthcare Conference

Jessilyn Averill

Thanks to all who attended, presented and helped plan the second annual Harm Reduction in Housing and Healthcare Conference! The Washtenaw Housing Alliance partnered with the Washtenaw Health Plan, Washtenaw Health Initiative, Washtenaw Health Department, Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan, and Washtenaw Community College to present this day long training and educational conference, covering a variety of topics around the concepts of Harm Reduction. 

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This year's keynote was given by Queen Adesuyi, Policy Associate at the Drug Policy Alliance’s Office of National Affairs in Washington, D.C. Queen supports ONA’s work to advance DPA’s federal legislative agenda around ending the war on drugs and repairing its harms to communities. Her areas of focus include racial justice within federal marijuana legalization, collateral consequences of drug convictions, and re-entry hurdles for those involved in the criminal justice or juvenile justice systems. She worked closely with Senator Cory Booker’s team on the first marijuana legalization bill that included reparative justice components in Congress. She also co-chairs the Reentry and Housing Coalition, a broad coalition of advocates with the mission of expanding access to affordable housing for the justice-involved.

For a complete overview of the twenty breakout sessions offered at this year's conference, please click HERE

Special thanks to Valery Shuman and Matthew Silver of the Midwest Harm Reduction Institute for offering this year's pre-conference workshop on Substance Use Management. 

If you're interested in being a part of our planning committee for next year's conference, please email