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Affordable Housing Preservation Trends and Federal Policy Solutions

Financial resources and policies that support long-term affordability are integral to ensuring the continued affordability and physical quality of the federally assisted housing stock. What risks threaten the long-term affordability of federally assisted homes and what can Congress do to support preservation efforts? This webinar will review new research examining affordable housing preservation risks and trends in recent years presented in our 2021 Picture of Preservation report. The webinar will conclude with federal policy solutions and resources that can support communitywide preservation efforts.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand trends in affordable housing preservation.

• Learn how you can use the Preservation Toolkit to begin affordable housing preservation efforts.

• Hear federal policy solutions that can promote the long-term affordability of federally assisted housing.

• Identify resources to support communitywide affordable housing preservation.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) is hosting this webinar.

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