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6th Annual National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness (virtual)

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6th Annual National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness (virtual)


Hosted by Point Source Youth (PSY)

Join 1,000+ dedicated advocates at the 6th Annual National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness to leverage our collective power and platforms to fight for true and lasting liberation. Our two-day, virtual gathering will offer a space for attendees from across the country to connect with providers, researchers, activists, policymakers, funders, and more committed to ending the national youth homelessness crisis. The youth homelessness crisis is a policy choice, we can end it together.

Click here to register.

About this event

As an organization, PSY believes in the power of community. Together we can end youth homelessness, and to do so, we’ll need to work across movements. Join PSY for conversations that situate the movement to end youth homelessness within current discussions around youth collaboration, disability justice, trauma-informed care, radical community care, sex work, housing and healthcare, and economic justice in addition to the other pressing social justice issues of our time.

PSY registration tiers reflect a sliding scale, a tool for establishing economic justice. In this registration pricing system, everyone ultimately pays a similar percentage of their individual or organizational income to attend the Symposium. This scale is about recognizing the privileges and resources that make paid events disproportionately more accessible for groups with higher operating budgets and for individuals with greater wealth.

PSY is committed to making our virtual symposia as accessible as possible. They recognize that the impacts of COVID-19 aggravate and deepen already existing forms of systemic oppression. Beyond COVID-19 and its impacts, they realize that individuals and communities experience continued harm and marginalization as a result of long-standing inequities in the US. PSY hopes that this sliding scale facilitates increased access to our virtual events and serves as an invitation for our community to both think and speak deeply about the societal factors that create such stark disparities in wealth and resources in the US. They trust our community to evaluate their needs accordingly. Help them keep their events and movement as accessible as possible!

Consider registering at the 'No Cost' level if you:

  • Are a youth advocate and/or a young person with lived experience of homelessness.

  • Are an unpaid community organizer.

  • Are currently experiencing housing instability.

  • Make less than a living wage salary.

  • Are experiencing financial hardship.

  • Are not always able to meet basic needs.

Consider registering at the 'Grassroots' level if you:

  • Are an individual registering for the conference (who doesn’t identify with the outlined categories for the “free” tier).

  • Are a part of a smaller staffed organization with fewer than 25 staff members.

  • Are not experiencing housing instability.

Consider registering at the 'Community Organization' level if you:

  • Are part of a medium organization with 25-50 staff members.

  • Can afford to take time off.

  • Are not experiencing housing instability.

Consider registering at the 'National Organization' level if you:

  • Are part of an organization with over 50 staff members.

  • Are a recipient of project administrative funds awarded under the CoC and Emergency Solutions Grants.

  • Can afford to take time off.

  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender identity and expression, racial privilege, socioeconomic background, etc. **Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, we ask you to recognize this privilege.

  • Are not experiencing housing instability.

Please email with invoice inquiries.

If you have accessibility needs, please let us know by filling out the accommodations box on the RSVP form so that we can do our best to make the event accessible and comfortable for you! If you have additional questions, you can email with the subject line, "Accessibility Needs".