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Racial Equity Applied Learning Series (Virtual)

Virtual - Zoom

To register click here.

Series of three 90-minute applied learning sessions focusing on deepening knowledge to advance racial equity for MI’s Campaign to End Homelessness (MCTEH) network providers and key stakeholders on the intersection of racism and homelessness.

These applied learning sessions will focus on practical application of racial equity principles while continuing to explore the local housing policies and redlining practices that have strategically and systematically led to disproportionate experiences of housing instability among Black, Indigenous, and people of color across the eight regions. We will also provide examples of how current-day zoning regulations are having a present-day impact.

The applied learning sessions will cover the following topics
--Session 1 on 6/28: Shifting Power
--Session 2 on 7/12: Embedding Cultural Humility & Racial Trauma Informed Care into Services
--Session 3 on 7/26: Crowd Sourced-This session's content will be determined by the expressed needs of the group upon completion of Session 2