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2019 Winter Warming Centers

Jessilyn Averill

Washtenaw County and the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County opened winter warming centers for those experiencing homelessness on November 12th and will continue to run these centers through April 1, 2019.

Please click here to learn more about the daytime and overnight winter warming centers, with an attached FAQ and list of locations available now.

Eligibility: Any individuals seeking emergency shelter during the cold, winter months.

What is Provided: Individuals are provided a safe place to sleep each night at the Delonis Center and can access a variety of services onsite including meals, medical care, finding safe and affordable housing, and case management.

Weekday Daytime Warming Centers: Many local churches operate as daytime warming centers. Hours are typically between 9 am - 4 pm.

The Ypsi Gathering Space has select hours Saturday-Monday of each week.

Weekend Daytime Warming Centers: The Delonis Center is open weekends 8 am - 7 pm.

Overnight Warming Centers: The Delonis Center opens at 5 pm daily, with on-site dinner beginning at 6:30 pm and beds set up at 9 pm.

Please contact Housing Access of Washtenaw County (734-961-1999) to be referred to appropriate shelter resources.