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Past Successes

Past Successes

The Washtenaw Housing Alliance thanks its member agencies, partners, and the broader local community for their ongoing participation in our advocacy efforts and their unwavering commitment to ending homelessness and realizing a home for everyone in Washtenaw County. We also thank the many local policymakers who have supported affordable housing and homelessness prevention policies, programs, and funding.

August 2017: Washtenaw County's Platt Road Site

On August 2, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners voted 8-1 to support the selection of THRIVE Collaborative’s Veridian at County Farm development proposal for the County’s site at 2270 Platt Road. Thanks to the tremendous work of County staff, thoughtful deliberation from County Commissioners, and the vocal support of affordable housing advocates, neighbors, and allies for their work leading to this decision. The solar-powered, net-zero mixed-income development will include WHA member-agencies Avalon Housing and Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley as partners. The proposal will include 50 permanent supportive housing (PSH) units, half of which will be for people/families earning less than 30% of the Area Median Income. This truly affordable housing is so necessary in our county! Last night was a major hurdle; now County staff will work with the developer on final negotiations, and the County Board of Commissioners will make final decisions later this fall. Afterwards, the developer will have to go through the City of Ann Arbor's development review process.

Please join the WHA in THANKING the County Commissioners who supported moving forward with this development proposal for affordable housing and permanent supportive housing. You can USE THIS DIRECT LINK to thank the Commissioners all at once. Or, if you'd prefer to email Commissioners separately, you can look up their emails here

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April 2017: Ann Arbor's Library Lot Sale

On April 17, Ann Arbor City Council voted to sell the Library Lot, and as a result, $5M will be put into Ann Arbor's Affordable Housing Trust Fund. 

Please send a THANK YOU email to the 8 members of Council who voted YES on the proposal. This was NOT an easy issue to move forward on, and they all spoke so eloquently about why they were supporting the sale. Many Council members also stated in their speeches that we need to find other sources of sustainable revenue for affordable housing. We should be proud of this Council for their work to expand affordable housing options in our community!

Here are the 8 members who voted YES to the sale. To send a THANK YOU, you can email all Council members who voted yes by clicking here or to send individual emails, click below on their names: